Clare Spink
Fertility Massage Therapist & Trainer
“Fertility Massage Therapy™ is a nourishing blend of modalities, that when combined, aims to bring harmony and balance to the Reproductive, Digestive & Sacral areas. On a much deeper and probably more important level, this unique therapy re-awakens and re-connects women to their bodies, especially their womb.”
Clare is the founder of Fertility Massage Therapy™ & Training, which is a unique treatment culminating in over 15 years work in the natural health field.
Through her extensive and international research and training - and an understanding that many fertility problems are the result of physical or emotional trauma, Clare developed a treatment that combines massage and emotional healing to enhance successful conception and women’s health.
Clare’s passion is helping women to reconnect and heal their womb. Believing that our wombs are our creative centre whereby all life & ideas are created, Clare coined the phrase “Heal the Womb, Heal the Woman”.